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Writer's pictureAudra Bissett

Audra's Picks - 9/30/23

Don’t fret if you are confused by the conflicting plant care tips and tricks out there; keeping

your plant happy is as simple as getting to know where they came from and how they grow in their natural habitat.

Philodendron Billiatiae
Philodendron Billietiae in nature

The Philodendron billietiae is a rare plant native to the lower canopy of South American rainforests so is used to dappled light penetrating the upper canopy and is well suited to a wide range of light levels. A common trait of plants that evolved to thrive in a variety of light

conditions is a color changing ability.

Philodendron Billietiae native
Philodendron Billietiae is native to Guyana, French Guiana, and Brazil

Philo billietiae’s leaf stems will be orange in medium-bright indirect light and red in brighter indirect light with a few hours of direct light. It is used to fairly frequent rains so water this plant when the top 1-2” has become dry.

Common Name

Philodendron Billietiae

Botanical Name

Philodendron billietiae


Bright- Indirect


When top 2" dry out


Moisture retaining and well-draining

Vriesea 'Splenriet'
Vriesa splenriet in nature

The Vriesea ‘Splenriet’ is a type of bromeliad native to Trinidad, eastern Venezuela, and the

Guianas and is found growing in the branches and canopies of larger plants. A plant with this type of growth habit is called an epiphyte. Epiphytes don’t have large root systems or frequent watering needs since in the wild they don’t grow in soil. Vriesea splendens evolved a little reservoir in the very center of the plant to store rainwater so make sure the reservoir is about ¼ full, or less if in low light. Let the reservoir go dry for a few days before filling again but remember to only water the soil portion when it is dry, every 1-2 months depending on season.

This easy-going hybrid tolerates lower light than other bromeliads, thriving in medium to bright light; it will have green leaves in lower light and purple stripes in brighter light.

Common Name

Flaming Sword Bromeliad

Botanical Name

Vriesa splenriet


Medium to Bright-indirect


When dry


Moist and well draining

Neanthe Bella Palm
neanthe bella palm in nature

The Neanthe bella palm, also known as the parlor palm, is native to the understory of moist

rainforests in southern Mexico and Guatemala and will quickly make any drab corner appear lush. Thick, thirsty rhizomatous stems secure these palms in wet soils and love to have a steady drink of water.

Neanthe Bella is native to southern Mexico and Guatemala

Soil should be moist but not soggy, so water your Neanthe bella when the top 1-2” of soil are dry. If leaf tips are starting to turn crispy or brown, increase watering frequency or decrease light slightly (choose one).

Common Name

Neanthe Bella Palm

Botanical Name

Chamaedorea elegans




when top 1-2" dry


Moist and well- draining

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